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3nd Quarter     www.mbca.org/NYC-Long_Island      Volume 51 Issue 3
In this issue
Article Headline
My Visit to Star-Tech
MBRVC Grand Opening
2013 Schedule
In the Region!
More Trip News!...
Our Advertisers
2013 Advertising Rates Are available

Dear Ben,


Our Special Issue for Old Westbury's  

"Legend's Of The Autobahn" September 22, 2013  


2012 Old Westbury
Legends of the Autobahn - 2012

Welcome to Legends of the Autobahn at Old Westbury Gardens.  This is the biggest event of our sections year and we hope you have a great time seeing all the cars assembled for review.  The owners have driven from far and wide to display their M-B pride and joy. Not

Daniel Foote - New Member wins
2012 Old Westbury "Legends" Daniel Foote - New Member wins "Car I Would most Like to Own" award Daniel also won at NNJN Section's June Jamboree 2013.

only are there beautiful Classics, our touring class cars are available for you to judge, "Car I Would Most Like to Own" and "Ladies Choice".    

As always - all club information is available here and updated on our section website. Be sure to visit our Section Web Page. All our past Star-Gazer Newsletters are available there.  Pictures will be posted on our Facebook page.  Our Premier Event at Old Westbury Gardens will be updated on our Facebook page also! Please visit and "LIKE" us. Thank you. 



Presidents Message


 Pres. Oliver

It is hard to believe but the summer is coming to a close. For those  

on the Board of Directors it has been a very busy but rewarding one. We have been reestablishing our relationship with the dealers in our section. That should assist all of you when you purchase or lease a Mercedes Benz or bring your Mercedes in for service. At some dealerships there is or will be a person to whom you can go if you need further assistance.


Some of the dealers have agreed to put a MBCA membership application in their delivery packets. Some will be hosting future events and some will provide gifts for our members at tech sessions and at the end of year party. And lastly our membership should grow enabling us to do more for you. We are the 9th largest section in the country just a few members behind our neighbors in Northern New Jersey and Westchester.


Our LEGENDS event has put us on the map nationally through our ad in the STAR magazine which will run through the September/ October issue. This year it is a Regional event. Next year we hope to make it a National event. We want to expand our reach so the EAST can have events like those found during the Pebble Beach week in California. We have also reached out to our friends at

BMW and PORSCHE that will share the field at the LEGENDS event at Old Westbury. So join us on September 22nd.

Vinny Milo, Rudy Rosenberg and Sandy Kane at 2012 Long Island Cruizin' For A Cure Car Show.


The pieces are here to make September the month for automobile enthusiasts in the East. September is full of events for you. It begins with our colleagueSandy Kane's Cruzin for the Cure on September 8th, then comes our LEGENDS of the Autobahn East on the 22nd and then on the 29th our colleague Jay Corn's Great Neck Auto Show. The parade of events continues into October with the Alternatives for Children Road Rally on the 5th of October. I hope to see you at these events.


Oliver Seligman



 My Visit to StarTech by Andrew Syracuse
Andrew Syracuse with Heinz Neuzig
Andrew Syracuse with Heinz Neuzig

Flying down to Alabama was special to

 me because

I was able to see my Uncle

 whom I have not seen in 10 years and attend my first StarTech event. Driving in a Toyota Corolla that I rented, listening to Gospel music, I was on cloud 9. Although I knew what I was attending, I didn't know what I would be getting out of it or who I would meet. When I was in High School I traveled to Sindelfingen, Germany and went on a factory tour. Little did I know that tour would be etched in my mind.



I was excited to see the plant that Mercedes built and compare it to the Sindelfingen factory. In addition to this years StarTech I was able to take a ride in a European demonstration model of the GL on an off-road course that Mercedes had built to exploit the off-road capabilities of their SUV's. I know that The Star covered the event, and there won't be much I can add to that, but I will try.


If you have not had attended a StarTech event, I highly suggest you plan for the next one in 2015 because it is worth it. Not only will you meet people from across the US and Canada, but you will be able to attend many different seminars and learn more about the brand, see some rare cars and you might learn about some new models that are coming our way.


2013 StarTech Our first event was the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL and we were accompanied by a few members of the rocket program. This was a treat for us because were able to hear about the early days of our space program. For me this was interesting because I have only learned about this stuff in school, movies, and from what my parents told me. To have the engineers talk about their experience and what they have done was something special. I was able to see life size examples of the rockets and the capsules that were used. My only regret is that I was not able to remember everything they said.


The next day we went to Classic Car Motoring of Birmingham. There they explained the process of the body shop and a few ways to maintain the car's luster. 2013 StarTech After lunch there was a Q & A session, where we were able to ask the owners about the body shop. It is interesting to learn that the collision center had its hand in making some of the M-Class SUV's for Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World movie.


The group I was in talked about body damage and what is needed to fix cars to Mercedes standards and about the computer program that the body shop uses to make sure that the coordinates are set and fixed properly. I saw two cars that had severe body damage from an accident and the owner's of each car wanted them to restore their cars. I asked the owner, Jeff Bagget, what are the processes need to be certified by Mercedes-Benz as a collision center? He told me that they have to use Mercedes approved tools, the body shop has to be inspected by Mercedes and that his employees have to be certified by Mercedes. After a while I walked around the body shop and saw the different seminars that talked about restoring headlights, removing scratches and removing dents.


Later on at night, we went to Barber Motorsports Park where members were able to test their metal on the race track. Unfortunately, I was not able to participate because I had to pick up my dad from the airport. However, from what I saw and what people have told me, made me wish I drove down instead of flown so I can get some time on the race track. Walking into the Barber Motorsports Museum was special because I was seeing all types of street and racing cars from throughout the years. After the cocktail hour, there was a special presentation that talked about the development of the plant in Alabama. I think "the man on campus" was Heinz Neuzig. He was influential in bringing the Gelāndewagen aka G-Class to the US. What was discussed in the presentation was why they chose Alabama as the location for the new factory and bringing the G-Wagon to the US.

According to Heinz, when Mercedes was looking at different locations in the US to build the factory, they wanted a place that reminded them of home; that reminded them of Germany. The Germans liked Alabama because they felt they had a lot in common with the locals. They liked food, beer and guns. However, during their study the rule was "Do not talk about sex or religion." Another reason why Germans picked Alabama was because it was easy to ship the vehicles. They also talked about the local economy and how Mercedes could help. In addition to this, BMW, VW and other manufactures took Mercedes lead on building factories in America.

Everyone knew that Heinz was the person that talked Mercedes into introducing the G-Class to the US. He felt that since Americans love SUV's, the G-Class would be a good seller. And he was right.


After we were done with the local touristy stuff everyone went to the factory to take part in the tour, the 4MATIC Experience or to attend a seminar. In addition, there was a small museum that showed the concept model of the ML, a prop from the second Jurassic Park movie and an audio tour of Mercedes' history in The United States. What I found interesting in the concept model of the ML was that there weren't panel gaps but on the final product you can see the gaps. As Jeremy Clarkson said in an old episode from Top Gear in 1998 "There are people living down there."


The next day my dad and I had a chance and a thrill of a lifetime. Were able to participate in the 4MATIC experience and this was done by a raffle. In groups of either three of four, we were taken out in a ML or GL-Class SUV to an off-road course that was specially 2013 StarTechdesigned to exploit the capabilities of the 4MATIC AWD. While being taken on the tour, all I was thinking was, "I would not take a brand-new ML or GL on an off road course." But nevertheless, it was fun. We went on 70 degree inclines, treading through water and at some parts we were on 3 wheels. Our driver said that they they only do it for special events. I feel that this was better then any rollercoaster that I have been on.


The following day was the factory which I have been waiting for a long time. If you look at the forums on MBCA.org, you will find that I am critical of the factory here in the US. I have always wanted to know, "Can the Americans make a German car?" I will soon enough get my answer and then some. Not only were we able to see the production of your standard SUV but we were also able to see in some form or another of the ML, GL and R-Class' as armored vehicles.

Let's start from the beginning. We started the tour by leaving the visitor center by bus to the factory proper. On the way to the factory, our tour guide was giving us small pieces of information about the company as a whole. For starters everyone at the factory and Mercedes-Benz are given shirts with their first name on it. Even the CEO, Dr. Z, is given his own shirt that says 'Dr. Z" when he visits the factory. Also everyone works in an open space. No one is in a cubicle. This ranges from the people who are high up to the people are on the factory floor. You see the people you are working with. In addition to this there is a medical center, a gym and below that is an in ground a day care facility for the employee's kids. In fact the rest rooms on the factory floor act as tornado shelters. The tour guide pointed out some new additions to the factory that were under construction. This was meant for the US, South American and Canadian next generation of the C-Class. 2013 StarTech

After we disembark from the bus we see a sign that says, "You are entering a foreign trade zone." To me this is interesting because even if the vehicles are made in the US and are going to a US dealer, it still has to pass customs. During the tour we had to wear hard hats and glasses. Actually we were also required to wear long pants and close-toed shoes. During the tour I kept thinking about the Sindelfingen factory. I noticed that something's had changed and other aspects of Mercedes production were kept the same. What I found interesting was that during all aspects of production there was music playing. This was to let you know what part of the factory you were in and to let the changes in the factory. For example: If something was wrong and production had to stop, if it was lunch time, the end of a shift or if someone had to leave the line for a personal reason. This was something that is new and I do not think it was used in the tour that I went on as a kid. In conjunction to the music there are visual aids on the screen letting you know what is going on the production line.

When I went to the factory in Germany in the late 90's early 2000's Mercedes used magnetic tracks under the floor to move the cars from one part of the factory to another. In the Tuscaloosa plant, they had exposed railing as a means to move vehicles from one end of the factory to the other. I do not know if this was cost effective. This was a question I should have asked at the end of the tour. Next time. But I digress. Like the plant in Germany, everyone rotated their jobs. For example if one month you were working on installing seats, the next month you would be installing dashboards. This is their way to reduce work place accidents. Another similarity between the two factories is that each car has a sheet of paper telling the worker what is needed on the car. Meaning they do not make 100 cars one way and the next 100 another way. Each car is tailored made and the parts that are needed for the car will be ready by the time the car arrives at its place during production. I found this interesting because I thought after 13 years they would change from a paper system to having everything on a tablet or an iPad. Each car is color coded. For example: The GL was Red, and the ML was Blue. This helped the builder know what part is going to what car. In addition to see the different parts being installed on the car, we saw some cars that were meant for a right hand drive market. We also had a brief explanation of the paint shop and the process and the different coats of paint that will go on the car and what will happen in the future as the factory expands.

At the end of the tour we were greeted by one of the executives of MBUSI.


In conclusion: This was a fun event. I will never forget the memories I made and what I have learned. Most important of all I will never forget the friends that I made. I hope to go to the next one and I encourage our members to attend. The question remains will StarTech 2015 be better then StarTech2013?


Ed: Thank you Andrew!  

Contact Andrew at syracusea@gmail.com   

MBRVC Grand Opening  
Pictures By John Mc Auliffe

David Mayer
David Mayer Owner of MBRVC
For over fifty-five years,Mercedes-Benz of RockvilleCentre has represented the finest tradition of the Mercedes-Benz marque. MBRVC is one of the original seven dealers that began selling Mercedes-Benz automobiles in the United States in 1957, and is the oldest dealership on Long Island. Three generations of the Meyer family have proudly served Mercedes-Benz and Maybach clients.
It was during the Great Depression that Fred Meyer, a German immigrant, had difficulty finding work. He secured a $7,000 loan and opened an auto repair shop on Lakeview Avenue in Rockville Centre, New York in 1932.  A few years later, he acquired a Studebaker franchise and his shop became known as Ideal Auto Sales. The business grew slowly until World War II, but the war's impact on the auto industry was brutal. New cars were in short supply. Gas, oil, and tires were all rationed, and to make matters worse, even spare parts were very hard to come
MBRVC Service Facility
-Click picture to visit their website- 
by. By the end of the war demand for new cars was great, however, circumstances being as they were, none would be available for four years!  It was not until after this difficult period that a showroom and body shop were completed in 1949. In 1955, Studebaker merged with Packard, and by that time, the former had already acquired the distribution rights for Mercedes-Benz within the United States. Finally, on July 12, 1957, Ideal Auto Sales officially began its relationship with Mercedes-Benz.  Most would say that the company's success in the early years was attributed to Fred Meyer's warm personality.
In 1968, Ideal Auto was renamed Lakeview Auto Sales and Service, and three years later in 1971, Fred Meyer's son, Edward, took the reins after his father's retirement. Once again the company grew, but this time creating a need for expansion. While sales and service were housed together until 1997, it was in that year that Lakeview expanded their franchise with a luxurious new car showroom built just two miles away on Sunrise Highway.
With the retirement of Edward Meyer in 2001, his son David began his contribution to the family's legacy, and eventually became President.  
A 1971 - 280 SE Cabriolet on display for the Grand Opening.  This car was sold from the original showroom  
Under David's leadership, the company expanded to include the Maybach franchise, and in 2012 the service & parts departments were relocated from Lakeview to our new state-of-the-art facility, situated on 4 acres and totaling over 100,000 sq ft.  At the same time, we undertook a complete renovation of our sales facility on Sunrise highway, and are proud to display over 90 vehicles indoors in our 35,000 sq.ft. showroom.
When a customer buys a car from MBRVC, they acquire more than just an automobile.  They are also establishing a relationship with our family.  At MBRVC, we do not want to sell you just one car, we want to sell every car you or your friends and family will ever purchase in the future. The notion that Mercedes-Benz vehicles are the finest vehicles in the world is, of course, a factor, but there is more. The fact that we are family owned and operated and that we sell and service only Mercedes-Benz products, allows a focus that many dealers lack. It also fosters a corporate culture that is customer centric. In the words of our founder, "The customer is king".
Sales are, of course, a critical component of a dealer's business. However, MBRVC doesn't try to sell you whatever happens to be in our inventory. We have always prided ourselves on finding the car that best suits our client's needs, no matter where that particular car may be located.  MBRVC's sales philosophy is best summed up by our General Sales Manager, Jeff Frankel: "We have the opportunity to help fulfill people's dreams of owning a Mercedes-Benz, and that is a very pleasant place to be".  MBRVC sells over 2,000 new and certified pre-owned automobiles a year.
Special guest enjoyed wine, cheese and the latest Mercedes-Benz vehicles
Service has always been a key element in MBRVC's success. Sales may begin the relationship, but service is what maintains it. Respect for the customer's time is paramount.  In our new location, we provide clients with a pampering experience of thoughtful conveniences.  From the moment you drive into our spacious, climate-controlled service drive, visit the beautifully appointed customer lounge, or browse our Mercedes-Benz Lifestyle Boutique, it will be clear that our Service & Parts Center is the new benchmark, and unlike any other. Our clients also have an open view of the workshop to observe the expertise and attention to detail our factory trained technicians impart to each Mercedes-Benz in our care.  If you would rather sit back and relax, we offer hair and nail services, as well as massages.  Or you can practice your putting on our indoor green.
Many of MBRVC's personnel have been with
Mercedes-Benz of Rockville Centre, NY 
Mercedes-Benz of Rockville Centre, NY
-click on video to play in Youtube.-  
the company a verylong time. For example, Vinny Ruggieri, our Service Manager, has been with the company for almost thirty years.  He started as a technician, working only on Mercedes-Benz automobiles, and worked his way up to Shop Foreman, and eventually Service Manager.  It is highly unlikely that anissue will arise that Vinny will not know how to remedy.
In 2012, MBRVC was honored with Mercedes-Benz USA's distinguished Best of the Best Dealer Award, and in 2013 we are excited to add the Sprinter franchise to our portfolio!

Wil Jansen
General Manager
Mercedes-Benz of Rockville Centre - Luxury at Every Turn Phone / Fax - (516) 478-0410

Thank you Wil - John Mc Auliffe

 Get Yourself Published in the Star!


You could be a reporter for our Section of the NYC-LI MBCA.  Ever wonder how details of an UPCOMING Club event get published in The StarŪ magazine? Or how events that RECENTLY CONCLUDED earn a brief write-up and photos in The Star? Stop wondering and start typing! The Star magazine Editor Gary Anderson and Director of Marketing Lisa A. Juhl want YOUR event to get the attention it deserves.


When you post information about your UPCOMING and RECENTLY COMPLETED events on MBCA's national website, your summaries will automatically get published in The Star. Follow the steps below to get your upcoming and past events in front of 100,000+ online visitors to MBCA's national website each month and in the hands of 25,000+ readers of The Star magazine each issue:   Submitting an Event Notice: Share date, location & contact info about your UPCOMING Section, Region or National Event

To see what an Event Notice looks like when it is posted on MBCA's national website, mbca.org, click here: http://www.mbca.org/upcoming-events    


To all Long Island classic/collectible car enthusiasts:


Even as the show season begins to wind down, please keep in mind that Newsday's "In the Garage" column is always looking for interesting and unusual classic and collectible cars, trucks or motorcycles to profile in the print "Newsday Cars" section on Fridays and on  newsday.com


To make the submission process easier, we've created a new web site -- www.inthegarage.net -- where you can insert information on your vehicle into an online form, upload a photo and send in a Photo Consent form (if necessary). 


If you belong to a club or sponsor a show, please encourage your fellow members and friends to submit their vehicles.   If you sell, service or modify classic or collectible vehicles, you are welcome to submit your own ride(s) or encourage your customers to submit theirs.


The colder months are a particularly good time to have your car/truck/motorcycle considered for the column.  Because there are no show listings, we can devote even more words to the actual vehicles themselves.


As always, we also welcome information on upcoming shows and related events.  We look forward to hearing from you.



David Fluhrer 
Newsday's "In the Garage"


 2013 Schedule 
Our 2013 Events will be updated when information is available!  

    Thank you for your continued interest and support of the NYC-Long Island MBCA charitable activities. 

Gullwing Auto Restoration - Watch for a special "Open House" club event when Gullwing Motors', Lou & Steve Palumbo, open their state -of- the- art Gullwing Auto Restoration Facility. You can call Gullwing Motors for further information about the services available. - Date and time TBD!

Please put LICruizin' on
your personal calendar!
Save the date 2013
Contact 888-LICRUIZ
 (542-7849) or visit their website for more info.  
Long Island Cruizin' For A Cure Car Show September 8, 2013
Sears Automotive Center 
Admission is $5; kids under 12 are free.
Routes 106/107 in Hicksville 
(LIE Exit 41 South/Northern State Exit 35 South) 
Gates open at 6:30 a.m. for car exhibitors. 
Show hours are 9:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m.


OLD WESTBURY GARDENS - September, 22, 2013
Time: 8:30am - 3:30pm
2013 Legends of the Autobahn Ad 2013 Lrdends Flyer     
This will be an expanded car show hosted by Mercedes, BMW, and Porsche Clubs. This year we are going all out to create the largest venue for cars found on the Autobahn. The venue is magnificent, and it alone is worth the trip. We had a magnificent turnout last year and expect to surpass our attendance record for 2013. All hands on deck!!!

volunteer to assist the BOD at this event.  We will need qualified
Judges, Assistants, and support help.  Call Jan van der Baan 516-819-1511
Legends of the Autobanh 2011
Legends of the Autobahn 2011
***We have Sponsor Programs available for our September Legends of the Autobahn event.  Contact a Board member if you would like national exposure for your company. 

Please RSVP for lunch! 

Personalized commemorative photo of you and your car.  To be eligible you must arrive on the field by 11:30 am Mike Carroll

Categories for Awards - Touring Class, Most Popular, Ladies Choice, Sports SL Class, Classic (1971 and Earlier)
Vintage (1972 - 1989)
Modern (1990 - Present)
Cabriolet Classic (1968 and Earlier
Vintage 1969 - 1971 and 1993 - 1995)
Modern (2000 - Present)
Sedans and Coupes Classic (1974 and Earlier
Vintage 1975 - 1993)
Modern (1994 - Present)


Please make checks payable to MBCA (Note LEGENDS in memo section.)

Day of Event Fee - $ 40/$ 20 (We cannot guarantee lunch without an RSVP) Online updates will be posted at Our Facebook Page

and Our section website

 Click here to download the Registration Form!  


For information Contact: Oliver Seligman 917-763-0178 or

Jerry Shapiro 718-637-7234

Great Neck Plaza Autofest & Street Festival - Sunday - September 29, 2013 (Rain Date October 6th)  Planning is underway for our 29th Annual Great Neck Plaza AutoFest and Street Festival. The date is Sunday, September 29, 2013 (Rain date October 6). As in the past, participating car owners are requested to arrive 8:30-10:00 AM to allow time for show set up. Cars will be given spots as they line up for admission. If you would like to be next to a friend, we ask that you arrive together.



Custom built for Cornelius and Grace Vanderbilt, this 1926 gem sports the Vanderbilt family colors of maroon and black and features a connestoga top and a "Vertical Eight" powerplant .


Enclosed is a copy of our car registration form (ed. Click to access form). All PRE-REGISTERED applications must be received in our office no later than September 22nd. This year, all AutoFest registration fees will go to support the Wounded Warrior Project.


Great Neck Plaza 2012Special for registered car owners will be a custom designed AutoFest hat featuring embroidered Stutz graphic; complimentary coffee and danish or bagel; drawing of three, $200 Plaza Bucks certificates good at any Great Neck Plaza store (car owner must be at opening ceremonies at 12:30PM to be eligible for drawing); and complementary discount coupons

from Great Neck Plaza merchants.


We look forward to your participation this year. Please send in your application or call our office to avoid being shut out of our event.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at

(516) 829-1301.



The Alternatives For Children Road Rallye - Saturday -October 5th, 2013.
It will start at their center in Setauket and end in East Quogue. Mercedes-Benz members will get qualify for three (3) Awards (First, Second, Third) - Be sure to let us know if you plan to participate. For additional information or to register by phone, 
call (631) 331-6400, ext. 229 Fax: (631) 331-6865. 
 Check out our New Event!
i Race at Wehrmann
IRACE Demos of Lime Rock!
Mark Wehrmann Engineering
Date: November 2, 2013 - Our Section will visit the Mark Wehrmann facility and have a chance to I RACE Lime Rock in their lifelike racing simulators. Two floors of Racing Car history and new fabrication. Pictures are posted on our Facebook page. Breakfast is included. 
Time: 10:00 am - 1:30pm
Fee: $10.00 per person
Location: 70 Suffolk Court, Hauppauge, New York 11788.   
RSVP with Mike Carroll macsl300@aol.com (516) 607-6074
Race Car Fabrication


Please make checks payable to MBCA(Note Wehrmann in memo section.)

Send Checks To:

NYC-LI Section MBCA C/O Gullwing Motors, Inc. 100 WINDSOR AVENUE, MINEOLA, NEW YORK 11501

Annual Meeting/Holiday Party - Sunday -  Dec. 1, 2013
2012 Holiday Party
Our Guest enjoy the Holiday Party 
 Time: 12:00 pm.  Please save the date for this event. We always have a greattime reviewing our years events, planning for the next year and wishing holiday joy to our members and guests. 
There will be raffles, a great menu and always Fun.
Where: The Inn at New Hyde Park.

Watch for more info.  





Our 2014 - MBRVC Tech  Session February 8th, 2014!

10 am -1 pm Mercedes-Benz of Rockville Centre will host our first 2014 event. Our "Presidents New Member Welcome".  Stay tuned for more details. 


See the Star online by visiting MBCA.org Star Spring 2013 and signing in.  There are back issues available. 


Other Section's Events! Check updates. 


Keystone Section Events Link Here http://keystone.mbca.org/ 

Northeast PA Section Events Link Here  http://www.mbca-nepa.org  


Northern New Jersey Section Link Here http://sections.mbca.org/northern_new_jersey 

NNJS Fall Drive-in Event


The NNJS Fall Drive-in event is Saturday, September 28 at the Warwick Drive-in Theater. It's just North of the NJ/ NY border; address is 5 Warwick Turnpike, Warwick NY  10990. Tickets are $10.00 for adults; $6.00 ages 4-11, and kids under 4 free. www.warwickdrivein.com  Check NNJS website for details. 


Almost as much fun as the movie is the drive up to the theater.


It's a nice winding drive. You can take the famous Clinton Road!


Please let us know if you are coming by Monday 9/23/13.


Email or call Lucille Chabala. Luluchab@aol.com Phone: 973-731-9133 


When responding please leave your cell phone # so we can get in contact on site.  We'll email those who responded if we are postponing due to rain.


Any questions email Nick Ford at MB05203-NNJS@yahoo.com 


Circle Lake Erie Tour, September 28-October 4: Tourmeister Ron Harshman promises this will be the "tour of all tours." Visit picture-postcard sites and attractions including a cruise along the Maumee River plus stops at Marblehead Lighthouse, RM Classic Auto Restorations, and breathtaking Niagara Falls. Lots of feasting and fun in between. Contact Ron for a complete itinerary of this seven-day journey at 218.213.4967 or email R_harshmen1234@msn.com
(type an underscore "_"  between the "R" and "harshmen")

MBCA Germany Trip


Check online because some of these events have been SOLD OUT!
Members will travel from
Basel, Switzerland to Amsterdam, Holland September 29-October 6, 2013 aboard the exquisite Viking River Cruises-Sun cruise ship. Explore four countries with six guided tours and visit some of the most amazing highlights along the breathtaking Rhine River.
Special price discounts have been created exclusively for MBCA Members. Contact
Randy Norris at Frosch Travel for information and reservations at  800-262-7447, ext. 105. You can also contact John Martiss
800-262-7447, ext. 114
*Space is EXTREMELY limited. Please call ASAP.

Explore Germany Two Ways with MBCA!  SOLD OUT
We got word that some people in our section tried and, unfortunately was turned away from these trips this year.  That is how popular the trips have become.  Don't miss out next year.  Watch for details in our issues and we will post the 2014 planned trip dates.   

Please contact Jim O' Sullivan at osullivanj55@gmail.com or 843.671.2079 for complete details.


* Specialists in Sprinter Van Maintenance!!!
Visit our new Auto Restoration Facility across from our full service maintenance shop.  We will be having an official Grand Opening with the club!  Stay Tuned!!! 
Visit www.gullwingusa.com
Like our Facebook page

Post your Ad Here!  Advertising information is available!  



Mercedes-Benz Cars, Sprinter Vans, Parts Cars, All models! Contact Lou at
June Jamboree
Sprinter Van
Gullwing Motors, Mineola, NY, 
TEL : 516-742-3320

Also Wanted 
Roof Racks for SL Hard Tops! 
Gullwing Wanted!
   Jan Wheel
Mercedes Benz Dayton Wire Wheels - 4 Dayton wire wheels  unmounted 14' x 7" knock off with adapters . chrome not perfect but nice. These wheels are over $2000. new and look great on older SL(107 & 113) coupes (114 and 123) and most 14 inch Benz applications. asking $800 or best real offer. The pictures are the actual wheels. I had them on a Euro 107 280 SL and they were great.516-819-1511 jan wheelemail:jvdbaan@yahoo.com
Check for price changes!!!
Find Great Deals!
1967 300SE Cabriolet for sale Jan Estate Car
Full body off restoration of Euro spec 300SE Cabriolet fresh from storage in Germany.  Bare metal respray.  One owner all books and records including the original Bremen German License plates. DB 040 black with cream leather, Restored Macasar Ebony wood.  NEW air suspension and plating of engine and body hardware, Fresh chrome everywhere.  European headlights.  LOW Mileage one owner car 60K Kilometers.     Jan Estate CarWhen finished this car will be a flawless 95 + point car suitable for showing at any major concours and will need virtually nothing to be enjoyed or shown.   12 months to finish at this point. Contact
Jan van der Baan

2003 SLK 320.  Pewter/Blk  45,000 miles.
Absolutely perfect condition. $16,000  

1980This 1980 European Model Mercedes Benz 500 SEL is in excellent condition, and runs great. The car has 85,360 miles on it. The exterior is silberblau (silver-blue) while the interior is blue. In addition, the car also has power steering, power windows, power mirrors, AC, cloth seats, an AM/FM radio, CD player, MP3 auxiliary, AC, and front and rear heated seats. $15,000.00 If you have any additional questions about the car, call 516-742-3320 or Email gullwingmotors@yahoo.com 1986 420 for sale This 1986 Mercedes Benz 420 SEL is in excellent condition, and runs great. The car has 89,452 miles on it. The exterior is silver, and the interior is grey. In addition, the car also has power steering, power windows, power door locks, power mirrors, dual power seats, and an AM/FM radio. $12,000. If you have any additional questions about the car, call: 516-742-3320 or Email gullwingmotors@yahoo.com

1968 250SL
1968 250SL

1968 250 SL California Special Hard Top Convertible. This is an extremely rare automobile. Metallic Red with tan interior 6 cyl fuel injected engine. 4 speed rebuilt automatic transmission. Power Brake & Power Steering. New 4 wheel discs & tires. New radio/cd player. Wooden steering. Restored interior. Custom floor mats. New exhaust. Rebuilt front end. Complete Orig Tool Kit & Manuals & Service records. Remember the odometer reads in km/hr, NOT mph, so 22249 km is approximately 13795 miles. $35,500 - Contact Gullwing Motors for more info & photos.(516)742-3320 

1967 230SL Pagoda 
1967 Mercedes 230 SL Roadster  
Great Condition w/3rd Passenger Seat. Used by the current owner as a summer car, it is all original, all factory, except for the 4-year-old Custom Metallic Burgundy finish. This car comes with both Soft and Hard Tops. The interior is white, has driver & passenger MBZ mats and original wood trim around the dash. The odometer reads 50804 original KM (app. 31,500 miles). The 2.3 litre 6 cyl. engine and 4-speed manual transmission were overhauled and the clutch replaced approximately 2000 miles ago. The exhaust, muffler, seat covers and soft top were replaced around 4 years ago. The Goodyear Integrity tires are new. And just as important, this is a NO-SMOKING car. Asking $28,000 - Contact  Gullwing Motors for more info & photos. (516)742-3320       
If you noticed one of our listings is missing - it's because it was successfully sold.  
We will be accepting pictures and descriptions of M-B cars or parts for sale and posting them here. Contact: John Mc Auliffe jjmvideo@aol.com  Subject: M-B Car for sale   

Another Member Benefit:  List your Mercedes-Benz Car for sale, in the NYC-Long Island newsletter at no cost.  Non-Members can list a Mercedes-Benz for sale. Send a check in the amount of $25 payable to MBCA and mailed to the Treasurer per quarter year.  
* Content and photos are the sole responsibility of the seller.  The club will not be responsible for descriptions or photos of listed vehicles.
Members have suggested other web sites to sell your car.  Try Benzlist.com, and mobile.de.  If you have other sites, please share them here.




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MBCA NYC-LONG ISLAND SECTION | 540 Grant Avenue | West Hempstead | NY | 11552-3704